Understanding programming/scripting is essential for any IT professional. This course provides an introduction to programming/scripting using Python.
Python is just one example of a programming/scripting language. Python is used in system and network administration, web programming, mobile application development, and game programming. We will focus on gaining general problem solving and programming skills that can be applied to other common languages. No matter what field you choose to make your career in, this course will provide you with valuable insights into how to solve problems systematically and how computers work.
No prior programming experience is assumed, although students should know the basics of using a computer, including using a web browser and word processing program.
By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
All resources, assignments, due dates, and course updates will be posted to the course web site in Canvas at https://egator.greenriver.edu/
Check the course web site and your @mail.greenriver.edu email account daily for important announcements.
If you have any questions about the course, reading, or the homework, please post them to Discussions in Canvas. This will enable you to potentially get an answer to your question more quickly, and also help classmates who might have the same question. If you see a question in Discussions that you think you may be able to answer, please do so!
If you have questions of a personal nature, such as regarding a specific grade or scheduling an appointment, then either email me or come and visit me during office hours.
Our primary textbook for this course is How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition. For each week, complete the assigned reading and the interactive activities and reviews. You are expected to have done the weekly reading before the lecture for that week. The due dates for the reading assignments are posted in Canvas.
If you prefer a printed text, Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by Allen Downey is available in the bookstore. This is essentially the same text, although without the interactive exercises.
In addition to the required reading, there are a number of helpful resources/links/videos posted for each week. You are encouraged to take advantage of these, as well as the many other excellent Python materials that are available online. A significant learning objective of this course is learning how to find and utilize the resources to learn a new technology. If you find a useful resource, please share it with your peers through Canvas!
The software required to complete assignments and practice on your on for this course is available in the Technology Center (TC) lab classrooms. The recommended software is Python 3. You may download and install Python 3 from https://www.python.org/downloads/.
Make-up exams will not be given except in case of a serious emergency. If you must miss an exam, even if you are sick or injured, you must contact the instructor before the exam (or arrange for someone to do so).
Assignments must be submitted on or before the due date, both as a printout and electronically through Canvas.
Disputes about homework grading must be made to your instructor within two weeks of receiving the grade.
Late assignments may be submitted within 48 hours of the due date, and will receive 50% credit.
Cell phones and pagers must be turned off while in the classroom. If your cell phone rings in class, you owe me a latte the next class period. If my phone rings in class, everyone gets donuts!
Although attendance will not effect your grade, regular attendance and participation are required to succeed in this course. If missing a class is unavoidable, you are responsible for communicating with your teammates, and for making arrangements with a classmate to get any missed announcements, handouts, or lecture material.
Plagiarism occurs when you knowingly submit someone else's work (ideas, words, code) as your own. Plagiarism s not only dishonest, it robs you of the most important product of education - the actual learning. If your work is plagiarized (i.e. copied), you will receive a failing grade of zero on the assignment.
Grading in this course consists of your demonstrated competency and professionalism on assignments and exams.
You may earn up to 15 points extra credit by completing and presenting a final project at the end of the quarter.
Grades will be converted according to the following scale:
Decimal | Percent |
4.0 | 95 |
3.9 | 94 |
3.8 | 93 |
3.7 | 92 |
3.6 | 91 |
3.5 | 90 |
3.4 | 89 |
3.3 | 88 |
3.2 | 87 |
3.1 | 86 |
3.0 | 85 |
2.9 | 84 |
2.8 | 83 |
2.7 | 82 |
2.6 | 81 |
2.5 | 80 |
2.4 | 79 |
2.3 | 78 |
2.2 | 77 |
2.1 | 76 |
2.0 | 75 |
1.9 | 74 |
1.8 | 73 |
1.7 | 72 |
1.6 | 71 |
1.5 | 70 |
1.4 | 69 |
1.3 | 68 |
1.2 | 67 |
1.1 | 66 |
1.0 | 65 |
0.0 | <65 |
If you believe you qualify for course adaptations or special accommodations under the Americans With Disabilities Act, it is your responsibility to contact Disability Support Services (DSS), located in the Lindbloom Student Center (LSC) office number 271 and provide the appropriate medical documentation.
If you have already documented a disability or other condition through Green River Community College’s DSS Office, which qualifies you for special accommodations, or if you have new medical information; please make sure you notify DSS during the first week of class at (253) 833-9111 extensions x2631 (DSS main line); x2318 (Program Coordinator, Jean Carlson); x2646 (Director, Jamie Hatelberg) or at (253) 288-3359 TDD to ensure delivery of your Letter of Accommodation.
If you use an alternative medium for communicating, let me know well in advance of the meeting (at least one week) so that appropriate accommodations can be arranged.