IT 485 - Software Dev Capstone I

Spring 2019 Course Syllabus

Course Information

Instructor Information

Course Description

First of two capstone project courses. Students as technical team members partner with business team members and/or clients to develop a product or service concept that fulfills a business need. PREREQUISITE: IT 328, IT 355, IT 405, and IT 426; or instructor's permission.

This course is planned as a 400-level capstone class. This capstone class is a project-based class where students form self-directed teams to complete a software development project, integrating practices that they have learned in prerequisite coursework, prior projects, and their own background research during the course. The instructors will provide the framework, introducing topics/reading, and facilitating the learning. Everyone in the class is expected to both bring knowledge in to share as well as learn from others who have done the same.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course the student will be able to:

Course Resources

Required Textbooks

Course Website

All resources from class will be posted to the course web site in Canvas at . Please use Canvas Discussions to ask questions about the class, reading, assignments, etc., and to share helpful resources or suggestions with your peers. This will enable us to share information more effectively, and to respond to your questions more quickly.


Check your account daily for important announcements.

Course Policies


This is an advanced course where students are expected to take initiative in learning much of the material, as is expected of a professional software developer in the technology sector. Please plan for 15 hours a week outside of class on reading, research, prototyping, developing, testing, working with peers, meeting with the client, and consulting with the instructor.

Late Policy

Late assignments may be submitted within one week of the due date, and will receive a maximum of 50% credit. 

The Donut Rule

Cell phones and pagers must be turned off while in the classroom. If your cell phone rings in class, you owe me a latte the next class period. If my phone rings in class, everyone gets donuts!


In order to succeed in this course, it is critical that you attend class as well as team and client meetings. Most class sessions will include time for teams to work together. Thus, missing a class session without making prior arrangements will create additional work for your team members.

If you miss more than two classes, each additional absence will result in a 0.5 deduction from your course grade. If you are more than 10 minutes late for class, it will be counted as an absence.

Written Assignments

Written assignments such as technical summaries, case studies, reflection papers, or experience reports are evaluated as works of academic writing or business/technical writing. Students are encouraged to use the campus Writing Center to resolve questions about grammar, usage, common writing problems, and writing style.

Team Contribution

Your grade for this course will be based on your weekly reflections, class attendance, and your team project deliverables and peer evaluations. Ideally, all team members will contribute fairly and receive all of the project points. However, in the rare case that a team member does not contribute his or her fair share, their grade will be adjusted accordingly. To avoid any lost points, students should strive to be productive and contributing team members.

The team may determine what criteria, and what process, should be used to determine when a team member is on probation and when a student is no longer eligible to be a member of the team for failing to contribute to the software development effort. This should be written into the team's Working Agreement. The team should notify the instructor immediately if a team member is put on probation or has been released.

If you are released by your team, you will work with your instructor to find an alternative project to work on independently. However, you will not be able to earn a grade higher than 1.5 in the course, as you will no longer be satisfying the capstone course requirement to demonstrate effective software development practices in an Agile team environment.

Extra Credit

You may earn up to 12 points in extra credit. Each extra credit activity is worth 4 points. If you have other ideas for extra credit, please share them for consideration. To receive extra credit, submit a brief 1-2 paragraph writeup of your experience in Canvas within one week of the event. The link is under Course Resources.

No extra credit will be accepted more than a week after the event, or beyond the last day of class.

Academic Integrity and Collaboration

Plagiarism occurs when you knowingly submit someone else's work (ideas, words, code) as your own. Plagiarism is an act of intentional deception that is not only dishonest, it robs you of the most important product of education - the actual learning. If your work is plagiarized (i.e. copied), you will receive a failing grade of zero on the assignment. If your work continues to be plagiarized during the quarter, you will receive a failing grade for the course.


Grading in this course consists of your demonstrated competency and professionalism. If you have any questions or concerns about a course grade, talk to the instructor within two weeks of receiving the grade.

Grades will be converted according to the following scale:

Decimal %
4.0 95
3.9 94
3.8 93
3.7 92
3.6 91
3.5 90
3.4 89
3.3 88
3.2 87
3.1 86
Decimal %
3.0 85
2.9 84
2.8 83
2.7 82
2.6 81
2.5 80
2.4 79
2.3 78
2.2 77
2.1 76
2.0 75
Decimal %
1.9 74
1.8 73
1.7 72
1.6 71
1.5 70
1.4 69
1.3 68
1.2 67
1.1 66
1.0 65
0.0 <65

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